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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How Much Money Have You Earned Using Google Adsense?

I have earned just over $10 in my first month of using Blogger and Google Adsense to make money the free and easy way.

What interests me is the amount that can be earned in a short time and how well that amount can increase over time.

What interests me even more is the amount that some bloggers have earned in less than a week! That goes over the $100 mark!

How is that possible? Well let's find out!

What I would like to know, from all you readers, is about your earning habits and methods for improving click-through rates.
  1. How much money have you earned using Google Adsense and Blogger?

  2. Do you use any other services to create a substantial earning?

  3. What other methods are safe to rake in a good earning?

Do let me know how you go about making an income from blogging and pay per click adverts.

Share your money posts with me and I'll be sure to read your advice and reward you handsomely with some valuable commentary to your post and other areas of mutual interest!

Until then, have a wealthy click-through, through the monetized web!

Friday, December 12, 2008

How Do Loggers Make Money Without Blogger?

By chopping wood! Seriously! A logger will slave away and build up the strength to go on the next day, whilst a blogger can just talk about interests like money!

What is a logger?
- One who logs trees; a lumberjack.
- One engaged in the logging business.

How much money does a logger make without blogger?
A forestry logger gets paid an estimated minimum wage ranging from $9.51 up to $25.46 per hour, depending on their experience levels.
See WikiAnswers: How Much Does a Forestry Logger Get Paid a Year

What is the difference between being a blogger and a logger?
  • I don't need to get my hands dirty.

  • I don't have to endanger my life! See Logger killed While Felling Tree

  • I don't have to come home feeling guilty about chopping down the flora and fauna whilst contributing to global warming. I can sit here and write how I feel about it!

  • I will save the whole 'paper vs software' argument for another day. ;)

    How do bloggers and loggers determine the value that their money tree will yield?
    • The blogging money tree will grow as far as you can spread the roots, virtually!

    • The logging money tree will need lots of techniques to refine the earth's riches into paper money.
      See How To Fell a Tree Using a Chainsaw

    What kind of logger or blogger are you?
    I would love to know!

    Thank you for reading!

    Top 10 Google AdSense Help for Payments & Personal Identification Number (PIN)

    3 Days ago, I received an email reminder from Google Adsense telling me that I haven't yet entered my Personal Identification Number (PIN) for my Google AdSense account!

    Lucky for that or I would not be able to carry on making money using Google Adsense!

    Here are the Top 10 Google Adsense Help questions that I needed to be answered immediately!

    1. What is a Personal Identification Number (PIN)?

    2. It is used to verify that my physical address, in the Google Adsense records, is accurate.

    3. When did I get a Personal Identification Number from Google Adsense?

    4. When my Google Adsense earnings crossed over the $10.00 mark.

    5. What if I didn't get a PIN from Google Adsense?

    6. Then I would have to request to have a new one to be sent to me.

    7. Where can I request a new PIN from Google Adsense?

    8. I can request a new Personal Identification Number (PIN) from Google Adsense by following the instruction right here: http://www.google.com/adsensenewpin.

    9. When should I expect to receive my new or requested PIN from Google Adsense?

    10. Google Adsense will send me a PIN via standard mail around 2-4 weeks. It may take a bit longer, depending on my location.

    11. How many times can I request a PIN from Google Adsense?

    12. I can request it 3 times and then I will have to follow instructions in the email sent to me. (Mail the specialists!)

    13. How long can I wait before requesting a new PIN from Google Adsense?

    14. There is a 3 week waiting period before you can request a new one again, so make sure you have entered your address correctly the first time!

    15. How long before my Google Adsense account gets disabled?

    16. If you do not respond to the email after 60 days of Google sending it to you, your account will be closed!

    17. What if I don't enter my PIN?

    18. Same as above!

    19. What happens to my money?

    20. All earnings that you have accumulated will be refunded to the advertisers by Google Adsense.

    So there you have a run-through of the Google Adsense address verification system, so that you, and not your neighbour, receive your Google Adsense check. (or cheque if you like)

    I hope this information was useful and that you had no trouble receiving or verifying your the accuracy of your information that Google Adsense has on record.

    Now go fire up your blog posts and let me know about your money logging habits.

    Do you have any more tricky or touchy Google Adsense tips or topics?

    Drop me your favorite tips in a comment and I won't be shy to let you know what I think!

    Be sure to Subscribe to MoneyLogger by Email for more useful MoneyLogger Tips on How2 Make Money with Blogger

    Happy holidays! :)

    Sunday, July 13, 2008

    How2 Make Money with Blogger

    We will be showing you the basics of getting started with a blog at blogger.com with a blogspot.com address.

    Firstly, go to http://blogger.com and register with your Google username and password if you haven't done so already.

    Next you can start by creating a unique name for your blog URL
    eg. http://yourblog.blogspot.com

    Select a template or go with the default Minima for initially learning your way through the blogger.com system.

    Before we think about how to make money, you need to familiarize yourself with the controls that deal with your blog on the back-end, and also the posting interface and methods available.

    You can deal with that when you go through it yourself. Now here are some tips to note when starting a blog that aims to make money in any category ;)

    1. Content in your blog is crucial so you should bear in mind that you need to know your stuff so that you can keep up with the changing times that are imminent on the web.

    2. Content needs to be factual with your experience intertwined. It should be fresh and useful to those who require a bit of help and input in the field or niche that you specialize/expertize in.

    3. That brings me to feedback. If you think comments will simply roll in, you're wrong. You should really seek to affirm a status of authority within the niches and fields that you belong to.

    4. Stick with your niche because it would be management-hell to run a multi-niched blog all by yourself! (Well, not really if you have a CMS - Content Management System)

    5. Stalk the best bloggers in your field and learn from their past mistakes, goals, and current activity on the web.

    6. Befriend your type of friends. There are bloggers out there who are ruthless and unleash a click-frenzy upon a social network in order to spam helpless inboxes with their links. We don't want to look like a sweat-shop and be ignored, banned, etc... now do we? Play a clean game and get a clean gain!

    Monetizing works the way you choose. There are several types of advertising you can opt-in to use. The top of almost everyone's list is Google Adsense.
    There are 4 types of ads namely:

    AdSense for Content
    AdSense for Search "Improved!"
    Referrals "Note: Referrals will be retired during the last week of August 2008."
    AdSense for Mobile Content

    Now as a PC user, you should already know some basic usage of web menus and the sort. So I leave it up to you to familiarize yourself with the system and don't leave anything out, peruse it until you feel the need for more! Then come back and visit for the next few steps to blogger money success!

    Trust me, I know my stuff!

    Whilst I cook up some killer guides and the next how-to's, you can subscribe to get them as they are posted, well... in due time!

    Subscribe to MoneyLogger by Email

    Any questions? Drop a comment!
    I will be more than excited to post about anything you may need help with!

    Take Care! :)